Hi everyone,
BostonCHI would like to thank our speakers, our sponsors, and our members andmeeting attendees. We had a great lineup this year and a lot of support.
Over the course of the year, we transitioned to a new website, based on WordPress, a new membership management system, and a new newsletter system. Thanks for bearing with us through the quirks.
We’d like to announce that Todd will be staying on as Chair and Rachel and Carl will be staying on as Vice-Chair and Treasurer, respectively.
We look forward to seeing you at the Boston Interactions summer picnic, which will be in August, with details to be announced towards the end of July.
We’ve already started lining up a schedule for the fall and we think that you’ll love it just as much as you did this year.
Thank you for your support.
Todd, Rachel, and the BostonCHI steering committee.